The information below helps SimuTech Support staff translate this information into the correct HostID and HostID Type. Simutech Troubleshooting Keygen Download Vortex Failed To Deploy Mods Adobe Freehand For Mac Havit Gamepad Driver Download Florida Man June 6 Dark Souls 2 Save Editor Pc Download Teclado Genius Driver For Mac Henry June (1990) Free Torrent Download Adobe Photoshop 7. Browse to C:\Users\ YourUserName\AnsysLicenseInfo.txt > send this file to your SimuTech contact.hostname >AnsysHostInfo.txt vol c: >AnsysHostInfo.txt getmac /v >AnsysHostInfo.txt.Tip - you can copy and paste all these commands at once.Copy, paste and run commands below in a Windows command prompt.These steps must be performed from the computer that will have the License Manager installed on it.First, select the computer you will use as your license manager.As a result, your IT Administrator must configure the VM with a static mac address before gathering your hostID. If a static mac address is not set, the mac address will change when the server is restarted and subsequently, your license server will not start because the HostID in your license file will not match the HostID of the computer. Additionally, mac addresses are not static by default in these cloud environments. DiskID's are not always unique in these cloud environments and you may be required to provide and use a mac address as your HostID.